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Development necessity of fiber laser welding machine

Addtime:2017-09-16 Browse times:2390

Laser welding machine is from the small and medium-sized hard light road laser welding machine began to rise. But with the development of industry, the traditional 200W, 300W and other hard light road, small and medium-sized models can not meet the current large workpiece welding requirements. The fiber laser welding machine conforms to the requirements of the times, and is the inevitable product of the development of laser technology. First of all, fiber laser welding machine covers almost large and medium-sized models, to 500W, 1000W, and even 3000W super models are available, the category is complete.
Secondly, compared with the conventional hard laser welding machine, the welding spot energy distribution is uniform, and the optimum spot for welding characteristics is required. Welding of thin-wall material, precision parts, can realize spot welding, butt welding, lap welding, seal welding, with high depth width ratio, weld width, small heat affected zone, small deformation, high welding speed, weld seam smooth and beautiful, high quality, no pores, accurate control, small focal spot. High precision positioning.
Finally, it is suitable for automated fixture can be installed customized, the product of mass production, fiber transmission laser welding machine selection of CCD camera system, convenient observation and accurate positioning, easy to realize automation.